Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

An additional coverage for phytosanitary protection due to hail is also available.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation caused by hail to the fruits of the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for loss of quality is also available.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

*Hail: Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured culture.

*ProduçãoGarantida® (Guarantee of Production): Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation to the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation to the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured products.  Additional coverages for loss of quality and for curing due to hail are also available.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation to the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation to the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation caused by hail to the fruits of the insured products. An additional coverage for fruits discharged due to hail is also available.

Protection of the devaluation caused by hail to the fruits of the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for loss of quality due to hail is also available.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production of wine grape, devaluation of the fruits of the other fruit products, and the damage to the screen or plastic coverage of the orchards caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products. Additional coverages for frost, grapevine collapse, and phytosanitary protection are also available.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production and the devaluation of the fruits caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured products. Additional coverages for frost, quality, grapevine collapse (with or without screen), adjustment of loss, and phytosanitary protection are also available.


*Hail: Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for frost is also available.

*Produção Garantida® (Guarantee of Production): Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.

*Quality Total® (Total Quality): what is verified is the loss of quality due to frost and/or excessive rain on grains destined to the beer industry. This coverage may be contracted additionally to the  coverages of hail + frost.

Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products.

*Hail: Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products.

*Produção Garantida® (Guarantee of Production): Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.

*Hail: Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for frost is also available.

*Produção Garantida® (Guarantee of Production): Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.

Protection of the loss of production caused by hail to the insured products.

Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products.

*Hail: Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for strong winds is also available.

*Produção Garantida® (Guarantee of Production):  Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products.

Hail:  Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products.

*ProduçãoGarantida® (Guarantee of Production):  Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.

Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products.

*Hail: Protection of the loss of production of the culture caused by hail to the insured products. An additional coverage for frost is also available.

*Produção Garantida® (Guarantee of Production): Protection of the reduction of productivity caused by hail, frost, excessive rain, strong winds, drought, unforeseen and unavoidable inundation, fire and/or flood to the insured products. An additional coverage for re-sowing is also available.